Saturday, December 14, 2013

Don't forget about safety and security this Holiday Season

Holidays are a stressful time of year and even in vacation areas we see a raise in crime, mental illness and unfortunate incidents. 1. Take a moment and remember what is important to you and your family. Discuss with your family what really makes a great holiday. Take some time to do something for yourself. 2. Traveling to vacation spots or that second home can be fatiguing. Make sure your caretaker, executive services provider and security are aware of your plans. Make certain they know that you desire well choreograph travel and arrival. Arrange for proper transportation. Shuttles may be more difficult to arrange, late or crowded. Hire a limo, driver or ask your protection/security agents to pick you up at airports. Don't drink and drive. An accident or an arrest can ruin a holiday. Hire security or other skilled, trained drivers to drive your car when going out for the evening or arrange for a reputable and vetted limo service (remember an intoxicated limo driver killed Princes Diana). 3. Remember that criminals do not take the Holiday Season off. Leaving a house full of presents unsecured can be tempting to dishonest service workers or maids and others you allow in your home. Other criminals seeking new “gifts” for themselves will break into houses and cars around the Christmas season. Don’t forget to set your alarm when leaving. Agents hired to watch your home or unknown service workers while they are in your home helps set a serious protection standard for your residence and loved ones that is a deterrent to criminal activity. 4. The number one criminal report during the holidays will be credit card fraud. Check online your credit/debit cards activity frequently during the holiday season or set up alerts with your credit card companies to send you an email when charges are made over a certain amount or at unusual locations. 5. Have your executive protection agents advance any location you might be traveling to so you know beforehand how to get a hold of doctors, dentists, veterinarians, security and other persons you may need to assist you if illness or other emergency arises. Plan ahead, set personal goals vacation goals, rely on well vetted companies and individuals to assist you and allow yourself the pleasure of a relaxing holiday season.

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